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Indonesian high quality product
G Series

General Description

Higher moisture resistance media, no wiremesh support/no corrosion. Frame: Strength Beverage cardboard Ex: Canada or reusable alumunium frame. Intended to trap relatively coarse dust particles, this pleated filter is commonly used as pre-filter to extend the service life of higher efficiency filters.

Conventional blue media with wiremesh support. G4 efficiency.


  • Pre-filter or first filter to extend the service life of higher efficiency filters and higher moisture resistance.

Filter Media

  • Synthetic ex Europe (Longer service life and can be used for applications in humid operating condition)
  • Uniform pleat spacing maintained by media bonding at all points of the die-cut board frame (Optimum media utilization for maximum dust holding capacity)
  • Uniform U-shape pleat design rather than traditional V-Shape maintained by wire mesh (Minimum resistance to airflow)
  • The media is bonded to every cell side (Ensures no dirty air by-pass)
  • Possible to be cleaned by compressor

Filter Construction

  • Moisture-resistant beverage board frame imported from CANADA (Frame is able to withstand humid operating condition)
    or reusable alumunium frame, so only the media is changed)
  • No wire mesh support avoid corrosion (Or conventional wire mesh support)


  • Filter is packed in carton box when delivered (Media protection from handling, transportation or storing damage)

Jakarta, 2014-01-28

We already succesfully audited according to ISO 9001-2008
We already succesfully audited according to ISO 9001-2008